Testnet Contest has Concluded!

Zentoshi Official
2 min readDec 29, 2020


What amazing support we have received, we are extremely appreciative for everyone that showed up to provide some hash for this testnet! We reached an amazing peak 530kh/s, with over 200 miners in our pool! The top miner was Rava at 574 ZenX mined over a period of 1 week, with our second winner being Anjin at 491 ZenX and Astrali at 425 ZenX! Winners will get a full Masternode, a Half masternode, and a quarter of a Masternode respectfully for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize. Shout out to feibear as our runner up for his efforts, reaching 235 coins!

This is a distribution of the testnet contest and its main participants:

We’d like to formally thank everyone for their support, as a token of our appreciation we have decided to keep the pool running, which brings us to our latest change in our testnet challenge. We are extending the testnet indefinitely. We were taking everything day by day, making sure everything is working as it should. We are now at a point where we can confidently continue and fix some of the issues we are tracking for future testnet updates. For now, sit back and keep mining if that’s what your heart desires and keep everything to be redeemed 1:1 in mainnet. We will keep on building. So take this time to earn some coin early.

I would also like to give a shoutout to a friend who helped make this testnet challenge possible. His name is @Eskal, and he runs a mining pool in its early stages much like us. Please show support for him on his pool @ https://letshash.it/ Zentoshi has been added to his pool this week and its ready for hashes!

We wish everyone a happy New Year going into 2021, make sure to keep up with the latest at:

Twitter https://twitter.com/ZentoshiCoin

Discord: https://discord.gg/AECA2YC

Telegram: t.me/Zentoshi



Zentoshi Official
Zentoshi Official

Written by Zentoshi Official

Community Driven, Kaizen Inspired.

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